Mar 2017 — May 2017


Service Design
Project Description
During the course of Service Design Executive in H2i, I was working in this project where Pablo Santaeufemia, Forbes 30 Under 30 and the CEO of Startup Bridge for Billions, proposed us to create a service to connect entrepreneurs and mentors.

The main challenge was, find a way to recruiting professionals mentors through the HR (Human Resources), and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). And, also to change the traditional concept of corporatize volunteer, always related to the charity, and changed in a productive mentoring with a real impact.

I collaborated in the research and the conceptualization of the service.
Through the design thinking methodology, first we made research (desk research and interviews) to corroborated our hypotheses to clarify the challenges, the main actors and the limitations of the project. As a result, we identify three main actors, and identify the challenge and project limitations.

The main actors were: the companies with an RSC department with interest into the volunteer but the lack of knowledge to do it. The volunteers that do not have too much time to do it but, wanted to work in a place with more social projects. And finally, the social entrepreneurs, that wanted to change the society through their startups.

Also, we identified the project's constraints, for example: the client budget limitation, the doubts about the future mentoring contributions, the legal limitations, and the close format of the Bridge for Billions platform.

With all this information, we created and identify user persona, defined journey, and created ideas trough different ideation's methodologies. As a result, base on the idea of Speed Dating concept, we conceptualize and prototype a Speed Mentoring.

This idea, was to create an express mentoring service where, the entrepreneurs were sitting in a rounded table (one table for each entrepreneur), and the mentors sitting during a limited period of time in each table. This idea does not cost too much money, save time and effort for the users, and, give them more security to know each other (mentors and mentees/entrepreneurs).

Also, to keep the coherence of the B4B close format of Bridge for Billions platform, the idea was to create a tool that helps the entrepreneurs to explains the challenge to the mentors too. This tool remains a game that represent how the mentors helps the entrepreneur to achieve their goals.

As a result, our client was happy with the idea due to the fast and easy way to apply this service to his needs.

· A good team cannot be made overnight Although you created trough a methodological process a multidisciplinary team requires time to fit together.

· To created respect within a team requieres a good communication avoiding bad forms, and of course put asides egos.

· Without this the mediocrity appears in the results, within the team, and work environment.

Work with great professional without egos always inspired good things.

· Worked for a Under Forbes 30 and see that respect your work and your professional space is a great example of humbleness.

· Accept and adapt to the limitations don’t mean that the results are worst, on the contrary, the results are real.